Slowly letting go of something

Slowly letting go of something

Slowly letting go of something attends the rousing process of reducing tension. Without rushing this action it is experienced as a longing for a never-ending touch, releasing things one holds on to. On an elevated platform, a performer slowly loosens her grip on golden petals, they leave her hands floating in their descent, parachuting down to the ground. Pleasure is a quality, a sensation or an attitude, what people experience as pleasurable is not purely subjective, it is also constructed by social norms and the media. Engaging with this physical task one relates to their own natural bodily knowledge of letting go mentally or emotionally as a universal experience. A durational performance, part of the group exhibition What the swans are Twittering about in the riverbed, curated by Elena Apostolovski at Trixie The Hague.

Photos by ArianeToussaint